Internet Cafe Recommended
An entry from two weeks ago:
"Thank you for looking in as I blog on. The We Blog started on our poetry vacation did not do much, hasty comments added in retrospect (was it Tuesday we saw the alligators or was that the cemetery...)
But hopefully when I return from Sunnyside, Greenpoint Avenue where I am looking openmouthed at a manageably-sized view of the Empire State Building seen from the Queens side-- in-between visits to the Romanian bakery and this excellent and cheap internet cafe at 41-16 Greenpoint Ave, Sunnyside called Marcatel, I shall blog our We Blog on to my Blog."
Photo I took of Manhattan from here, risking my life in the middle of a busy street (thanks to Rich for help with resizing)
"Thank you for looking in as I blog on. The We Blog started on our poetry vacation did not do much, hasty comments added in retrospect (was it Tuesday we saw the alligators or was that the cemetery...)
But hopefully when I return from Sunnyside, Greenpoint Avenue where I am looking openmouthed at a manageably-sized view of the Empire State Building seen from the Queens side-- in-between visits to the Romanian bakery and this excellent and cheap internet cafe at 41-16 Greenpoint Ave, Sunnyside called Marcatel, I shall blog our We Blog on to my Blog."
Photo I took of Manhattan from here, risking my life in the middle of a busy street (thanks to Rich for help with resizing)

Hi Aish,
The cemetery and swamp tours were on the same day--Wednesday. Sitting in my office this morning, looking out at the ragged dress of Frances, which has blown over eastern Canada in the night: a grey, steady rain. No palm trees swaying. In case I forget tomorrow, happy 05 in advance. Hope you have a great party. Very cool that it falls on a Friday.
Thanks for the correction!
Time I rechecked the We Blog and entered it in mine.
The actual party is later, but on the ady I am going out with sister and teenage nephew to a Lebanese restaurant where they have music and a belly-dancer, who worries us women: how come she has all those zilions of abdominal muscles we don't?
And when are you entering a new linebroken piece in your Blog?
And did you know Toronto has a Norwegian start player now?
We DO know ice hockey you know.
PS -- star not start.
Manglerud Star is our loacl ice hockey team and they are good. So there.
Hippo birdy two ewes
Hippo birdy two ewes
Hippo birdy, hippo birdy
Hippo birdy two ewes.
(And not a gator in sight!) The Ranger wishes you a great day.
The picture kind of takes over the entire space doesn't it.
Yes, Rich -- what should I do -- resize on my own PC or can I do it here...
Inept at this,
I use the Hello software that the people at blogger have. So they end up hostinf the image and they give you three sizes to pick for it to be in your page then when you click on the image it takes you to a blank page with the entire image. Let me find you a linkIt is pretty easy to set up and use. as for editing this photo If I knew photoshop stuff id be making weird pictures for fark.
Great! I asked the right guy -- admired your cool photos of sewing machines and odd coupled gadgets :)
Will redo soon then.
Yeah I gotta take a walk with the camera soon havent updated the photo site. Expect more wearid stuff next time I gown down state to visit family.
Great, Rich.
Gonna link to your site.
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