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Location: Here Of Course

I like to talk. And write poetry. I paint a little too.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Rye Road: Star-Gazing for Dummies

It was "Dating for Dummies"
yesterday. I took that
in my stride. However,

during the night, instead
of the usual offers
of business manuals,
printer paper and toner,

my fax machine rolled out
the smudged photo of an astronomical
telescope, at only ninety-nine dollars.

Monday, February 20, 2006

Plog: Snow and Lamp Post on Rye Road

I was trying to paint snow at night...

The first person I showed it too, saw plenty here, but not snow!

Still, here you are... my view at night with 50 cm of snow.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Rye Road Dating

The closest we come to a night out
is our chat by the electric blue
recycling container when dumping
the week's newspapers and TV dinner
cartons. Our drink after work is spilt coffee
brought down to the laundry while checking
that faulty tumble-drier.
The last excitement was a small fire
when a pan boiled dry
on the cooker. Any dancing is involuntary
and only when the janitor forgets to grit
the icy path in winter.

Monday, February 06, 2006

NUNS strike again! 1st March is Ash Wednesday!

Lent is near: Laurie just reminded me (Miss New Orleans in my links).

Here is the post elsewhere in my blog last year--we were joined by Paula too, in Italy, and I think Judy in Silsbee...

Shall we do it again, NUNS?
From 1st March until 15th April, the day before Easter we DON'T SHOP for stuff.

Read here:

"...Wednesday, February 16, 2005
NUNS - wanna join our Lenten non-shopping spree?

Laurie and maybe Carol (or Carol's friend at least), and myself are now going in for No Unnecessary Needless Shopping and will be known during Lent as NUNS for short (copyright Laurie).

We had a discussion in Comments under my 'What are you giving up for Lent' post-- and I for one will walk around the lake next door (maybe not throw myself in, as it is -10 C today) or to the harbour or a museum and avoid all malls.

Only less than 40 non-shopping days left of Lent!

"Lent is a forty-day period before Easter. It begins on Ash Wednesday. We skip Sundays when we count the forty days, because Sundays commemorate the Resurrection. Lent begins on 9 February 2005 and ends on 26 March 2005."

Ghost on Rye Road

The World Without Us

Comforting to know
that public places stay
if we should die and go.

Our homes will empty
of our stuff. New paint
and furniture wont tempt me

to return, but I would walk
along our snowy path again
to leave no footprints, try and talk

to my ex-neighbours. No. 1312
will shudder, spooked, to hear
my cheery, "Cold as hell!"