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I like to talk. And write poetry. I paint a little too.

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

My blog reviewed!

It is very cool, to have strangers assess your blog. Purpledaisy, the second reviewer, gave me a 3 out of 5-- that ain't bad!
As for the first review: Y'all are gonna laugh-- I am thinking especially of my friends The Captiva Poets -- this guy Brent seems to know me all right.

Is the blog that transparent then?
Hint: Word in edgeways comes into it.

Thank you to The Weblog Review (I link to that cool site in the side column).
And why don't you all try and get reviewed-- another extreme sport-- like Dashboard Dashing on Blogger...?



Blogger Aisha said...

Helm agreed the profiling is accurate :) but no, I don't know him.
BUT he happens to be the editor of the TWR and has written hundreds of blog reviews...a bit like poetry critiquing, and we know how that skill grows :-0

Submit yours too?

11:41 AM, January 27, 2005  
Blogger TaraMetBlog said...

Brent reviewed my blog as well, congrats on the good review! :) ~Tara

4:51 AM, January 30, 2005  
Blogger Aisha said...

Paula, Tara and Carol,

I thought I had replied!
They'll review anyone, Paula :)

Tara, very interesting review and blog--congrats!

And Carol, I return the compliment-- yur latest opem goes into THE blog, I hope?


10:57 PM, February 17, 2005  

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