Pattern Recognition

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Location: Here Of Course

I like to talk. And write poetry. I paint a little too.

Monday, July 25, 2005

Mountain cabin Plog: Later

A peaceful week that had its high points -- :)

Norway: Mountain Cabin Plog - First morning

Saturday, July 23, 2005

A peaceful corner of England

I was in the Lake District last week, at Grasmere, the name of both the village and its lake -- and the home of Wordsworth.

The paint box was bought from Barney's News Box on Broad Gate for £1 45p--
it was made for little girls: lots of bright pinks and lilac -- only one green.

I hope young Sky or Wang Shao-hua from Taiwan will like the picture -- she watched me start it and took a photograph of the same lovely view. Sky wrote the name on the sheet herself so it is proper Chinese.

I did not have my Moleskine, so this one in a child's Drawing Book, also from Barney's.

Sunday, July 03, 2005

Seaside Plog Last Evening

Plog Wed afternoon/Thurs morning

Plog Wednesday

Seaside Plog Day Three

Seaside Plog Day Two

Seaside Plog (Painted Log) -- Day One