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I like to talk. And write poetry. I paint a little too.

Friday, November 12, 2004

Advantages of A One-Room Apartment

I did read somewhere that fish grow in proportion to their pond -- you see few really big fish in a little pond.
If the roots of a pot-plant have nowhere to go, I imagine you end up
with a kind of bonsai...

So maybe a small flat works like a diet?
Just a thought.

Going to catch the update! Faster this time...

And I DID!

At 05.08.37 pm their time.

Either side of me were:

1) A blog full of pics of female models...too boring for me at least.


2) A blog called The Report with the following interesting quote:

In light of George Bush's first real victory in an election for the position of president of the United States, I'm trying to think of ways in which I can avoid his policies from touching on me directly. Here's what my girlfriend, friends and I have come up with so far:
-Establish my own sovereignty. I've always wanted to have more power over my life, and I think that becoming my own country, leader, populace, and tourist attraction holds many benefits: I'd be a strong but fair ruler over me; I'd not let myself get into scuffles which didn't directly threaten my own personal liberties or freedoms (especially since I'm such a coward); I'd spare no cigarette, no alchohol, indeed no fatty or salty food from myself because, after all, it's my health care plan anyway; no taxes; and a daily election because, after all, I might get tired of ruling myself (or would my self get tired of my rule?) and wish to hand the power over to someone else for a while. I'm currently eyeing my girlfriend for that position.

Thanks, Spoonturtle, for the laugh. And good luck...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm still trying to overthrow the despot.

P.S. That was very cute, about the small-apt. diet plan. Apparently they just found a prehistoric skeleton of hobbit-sized humans who grew small in order to adapt to limited resources--so I guess it works!

2:43 AM, November 21, 2004  

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