Putting it Better than I Can

A Danish poet I like:
En gang om dagen er ensomheten så stor,
At man ikke kan stille noget op med den.
Og én er lykken.
Indimellom må man se at få ordnet sine ting.
Søren Ulrik Thomsen (f. 1956)
From: Hjemfalden, Vindrose 1991.
Huh? You don't speak Danish?
Here goes:
"Once a day, solitude is so vast
That nothing can resist it.
And once a day, happiness is.
In-between, you must get the chores done."
I wonder when the 2 times are. Upon waking feels like vast solitude to me, and the happiness, perhaps, when I fall asleep. I like this.
Two sensitive poets agree with me ... good :)
And yes, Ms Loudon, that makes sense, although it hadn't occurred to me to wonder when.
Gave this to a friend who had a lot to get done...put it on kitchen cupboard and it worked like a charm.
Danish is written almost exaclty likr Norwegian.
Pronounced differently though.
And four of the five Nordic languages are Viking languages, descended from Old Norse. Icelandic, Danish, Norwegian and Swedish.
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