What are you giving up for Lent?
Inspired by Radish King (see linked blogs) I thought I would ask.
Lent from lengthen, meaning the season of spring, as in lengthening days of.
We call it the period of Fasting -- so giving up meat would be appropriate. And I had fish in macaroni today.
I did my bit.
Now tell me..
Lent from lengthen, meaning the season of spring, as in lengthening days of.
We call it the period of Fasting -- so giving up meat would be appropriate. And I had fish in macaroni today.
I did my bit.
Now tell me..
I think I'll give up playing CDs on my CD player (it's broken anyway). I'm ordering an iPod tomorrow, so, as you can see, it's going to be quite a sacrifice.
Can't we change giving up to taking in?
I think I'll give up hyacinths! :))))
Marie, the hyacinth girl.
— now, as for lilacs —
OK, CD's, less than nothing and hyacinths...as for me, sleep-- what else?
I know a girl who is giving up shopping. I am not a huge consumer but I don't think I could go forty days without buying myself something.
Is that girl you, Carol?
If so, I am joining you (grocery shopping excepted, of course).
I have dropped into a pattern of calling at shops in the mall I pass on my way home from jobs at police station or court house. I wander, I look, and recently I fell for a silly chick lit novel, a specialty tea I seemed to need, and a Retro CD from the Seventies.
The lengthening or the Lentening of days will make it easier: a walk in the sunshine along the river, looking at reddening buds and yellow catkins beats the gaudy colours of the mall any day.
I am beginning to hate snowless winters-- no light, just grey and black. MAkes us into magpies going for the shiny trinkets.
I haven't been a very devoted Catholic for a long time but I always try to not eat meat on Friday during Lent and to give up something. The not shopping for myself idea is great. I'm going to do join you all in that endeavor.
I always hope that the tiny sacrifices I make during Lent might be just the things to help me squeak by when I get to the Pearly Gates.
You are on, Laurie and Carol!
Girls Giving Up Shopping For Lent, that is us. Not a very good acronym, that --
Any better?
How about No Unnecessary Needless Shopping - NUNS.
See new post.
Happy Easter, Aisha!! I'm going shopping!
Happy Easter Lent Is Over! :)
Me too!! :)
Pity shops are shut here over Easetr, tomorrow too-- but last night I was on Amazon.com!
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