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I like to talk. And write poetry. I paint a little too.

Sunday, April 24, 2005


I drafted two blog entries while in Rio, on my balcony overlooking surf crashing, cormorants speeding past over the palm trees, frigate birds sailing high--

and suddenly now, all I can remember is the sun going east to north and setting, never touching the south-- and Orion stretched out right above my head.
It is odd for a Norwegian, being south of the Equator.

More later.


Blogger hwf said...

South of the equator. Hmm, if you're the type of person who runs around in circles, would you run around in circles in the opposite direction south of the equator? One could become very confused by it all :).


9:06 PM, April 25, 2005  
Blogger Aisha said...

No poems ... maybe one day...

But Helm, the water swishes down the plughole the wrong way and I saw a poker night on the Copacabana dealing cards, like us, with the sun, except that is right to left!
surprised the Brazilian clock runs the same way ours does

12:07 AM, April 26, 2005  
Blogger petergarner said...

Welcome back!! I look forward to reading all about your dental-floss bikini adventures :D


7:24 PM, April 26, 2005  
Blogger Unknown said...

Beautiful picture, both photograph and your words.
Glad you enjoyed the experience.
Like Paula, I'm waiting for the Rio poems.
Welcome back!


11:01 PM, May 03, 2005  
Blogger Aisha said...

G-strings are no longer fashionable there-- if that's what you mean? out..thank god, the competition from lithe Brazilian brunettes is bad enough already :)

Glad you liked.
Rio was wonderful -- but the poems are still not coming-- maybe that is a sign of a well-balanced time in my life?
Back to work work work now.


11:58 AM, May 04, 2005  

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